Thursday, June 2, 2016

Creative Health

Hypothyroidism: The topic of thyroid health is a big one. There is so much to learn. I am working to become more informed of the symptoms/effects/symptom management for hypothyroidism. That is when the thyroid glad which is in charge of the body's metabolism and other internal management is now not producing enough thyroid hormone.

From the Hypothyroid Mom website here are some very important things your thyroid is in charge of:

  • your thyroid is the primary control center for your metabolism
  • your thyroid impacts growth rate if you’re young
  • your thyroid helps you to breakdown and utilize the carbohydrates and fats you eat
  • your thyroid aids in the conversion of beta-carotene from your plant foods into the fat-soluble vitamin A ~ necessary for proper immune, inflammatory, genetic and reproductive health
  • your thyroid affects your cholesterol levels, your blood pressure, your appetite, your mental sharpness, your libido and so much more

I have had an under active thyroid in the past which was helped by the hormone Synthroid. I have now found I have an under-active thyroid again (or still?) as well as low iron. This has led me to do research into the symptoms, causes and problems associated with hypothyroidism. It has also led me into the recesses of the Adrenal Fatigue world in which the symptoms associated with that not only ring true to me but I believe are mislabeled by people as just something that happens as we age. More fatigue, can't handle stress anymore like we used to be able to, needing to rest more, memory problems, etc... when it could, possibly, be something totally different.

This is a work in progress for me to be researching much of these things. I am no doctor, nurse or health expert. I have knowledge as personal trainer of the body but not to this deep of an extent and so my research will be a work in progress. I am starting to do more natural health cures as well which I can go into more in this blog and give you updates on how they are helping or if they are helping. 

This blog won't expressly focus on thyroid health or adrenal health but I believe as I try these new, natural health steps I can bring some personal experiences to whether they help a little, a lot or not at all. These steps are not just for thyroid health but overall wellness and life satisfaction. I am learning some very creative ways to get more optimal health that is not just take a pill and you are fine but also includes stress reduction, water intake, the plus side of honey, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil and coconut water, superfoods ( such as chia--kale--kelp, Omega-3's) and mind/body subjects such as meditation, mindfulness practices to handle stress, yoga, massage and group therapy for emotional health/grief issues.

This will be a journey for me and I hope you join me for the journey. We can learn more together about the most complex thing we can study--our own bodies and minds.

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